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Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Animate

Another fun character design! The Assessment required me to animate a 2D walkcycle as well, but I couldn't just stop there.


"Looks fine to me" - Winmillion


Winmillion was known as an engineer who worked onboard 'harbinger' class air-dreadnaughts. The working conditions were hazardous and it was not uncommon for many engineers to get severly wounded from the heavy moving machinery. Even though they are relatively well-paid, it never really seemed like it was worth it. 


Winmillion however, earned a living through his mastery of the 'harbinger' machinery and was responsible for the victorious battles of a particular mercenary 'harbinger' dreadnaught known as the 'Berserkre'. His endurance and ability to maintain the airship's crude systems allowed for prolonged barrages of devastation and savagery that was never deemed realistically possible.


After years of service and despite his notoriety, he could not avoid the injuries associated with his occupation and had a few of his body parts gradually replaced by machinery over the years. Now he has retired and ventures across the globe, indulging his interest in machinery and occasionally helping people fix their broken machines; which is rather painless compared to his past work.

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